Focus on Metatarsalgia

What is Metatarsalgia?

CUMBERLAND PHYSIOTHERAPY PARRAMATTA: Metatarsalgia is a medical term used to describe pain that occurs in the ball of the foot. This occurs due to rubbing of the long bones of the foot, called metatarsals, causing inflammation. Build-up of inflammation in the ball of the foot compresses the small nerves that run between the toes and along the foot. Inflammation and compression of these small nerves is painful. 

The pain can involve one or more joints of the foot including the big toe, second toe and third toe. It is unlikely to include the fourth or fifth joints. On occasion, the pain may involve the entire foot, or larger parts of the foot. The pain or symptoms may be made worse when bearing weight through the foot, such as walking or running. In severe cases, just standing or even wearing tight footwear can affect the foot.

How does it happen?

Metatarsalgia can be caused by a number of things. An abrupt change in the posturing of the lower back or pelvis may alter the way the foot is loaded, and cause rubbing of the long bones. Altered loading of the foot may also be caused by arthritic conditions that affect the knees, hips or pelvis.

Unavoidable factors, which may lead to the development of metatarsalgia, include increased age, and the physical shape of the foot and toe. As your body ages, the ligaments of the foot may loosen or weaken. Therefore, the bones of the foot move differently leading to altered positioning and loading of the foot.

Avoidable factors, which may lead to the development of metatarsalgia, include wearing inappropriately fitting footwear, and the type of exercise performed. Metatarsalgia is more highly associated with high-impact-type exercise such as running or gymnastics.

How can Physio help?

Your physio will determine the cause of the metatarsalgia pain and assist you with adapting your posture or improving the loading pattern of your foot. You may be advised to unload the foot by reducing or stopping exercise, changing the shoe you wear, or strengthening certain muscles in your legs.

Electrotherapeutic modalities such as icing, ultrasound or interferential therapy may be of assistance to reduce pain and inflammation in the beginning stages of treatment as well.

None of the information in this article is a replacement for proper medical advice. Always see a medical professional for advice on your condition.

Positional Vertigo


What is it?

Vertigo, the feeling that you are moving even though you aren’t, is an unpleasant yet common experience caused by a variety of conditions. It may surprise you to learn that in some cases your physiotherapist is actually able to treat vertigo.

The process of telling whether we are moving or still involves many parts of the nervous system, including the inner ear. The vestibulocochlear nerve sends information about head movement to the brain, where it is processed. However, certain conditions can disrupt this process, causing the brain to perceive movement when there is none. Physiotherapists may be able to help with a specific type of vertigo called Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV).

What are the symptoms?

BPPV, also known as positional vertigo, causes dizziness only when the head moves in certain positions or directions. People with BPPV often experience dizziness and nausea when rolling over in bed or looking upwards, as well as lightheadedness and disturbance of balance. While BPPV can occur for no reason, it is often seen after a recent head trauma, respiratory infection, or airplane travel, as these conditions can disrupt the inner ear’s normal function.

How does it happen?

The symptoms of BPPV can be explained by a disruption in the signal sent by the semi-circular canals of the inner ear to the brain. These canals are positioned in different directions and filled with fluid. As the head moves, the fluid in each canal moves differently, depending on the head’s orientation. Receptors pick up this movement direction and speed, sending the message to the brain. However, sometimes small calcium crystals in the utricle, where the three semi-circular canals meet, can become dislodged and move into the semi-circular canals, disrupting the fluid and obscuring the messages to the brain.

What is the treatment?

If your doctor has diagnosed you with BPPV, they or your physiotherapist can show you a series of movements to help dislodge the calcium crystals and move them away from the semi-circular canal. You may also be asked to perform exercises to prevent the crystals from returning. Usually, only one or two treatments are needed for symptom resolution, although some cases may require more.

If you think you have vertigo, it is important to be assessed by a medical professional, as there are many conditions that can cause these symptoms and correct diagnosis is necessary before treatment. None of the information in this article is a replacement for proper medical advice. Always see a medical professional for advice on your condition.

Growing Pains


Are growing pains real?

The short answer is that yes, growing pains are a real and usually harmless part of childhood. Though poorly understood, they are recognized as a common phenomenon occurring most often between the ages of 3 and 12. The pain is commonly felt in both legs, particularly at night with no clear cause of pain. As yet no one is able to explain why they happen but growing pains are thought to be a normal response of a growing body as it adapts to new heights, sizes, strengths and skills. 

Does this mean I can ignore my child’s pain?

Not so fast. While growing pains are harmless and usually transient, there are many childhood illnesses and conditions that do require professional assessment and, if left untreated, can cause serious harm. These include but are not limited to; Juvenile arthritis, childhood cancers (which often first present as knee or jaw pain), developmental hip dysplasia (abnormality of the hip joint), Perthes disease and a variety of other musculoskeletal disorders. 

While it’s true that children are generally more resilient and heal well, they are also 

vulnerable to injuries just like adults. All serious strains and sprains should be rehabilitated correctly to ensure no long-term problems occur down the track. Many childhood pains can also be relieved with physiotherapy in the short term even if the child will eventually grow out of the pain. 

How can I tell if pain is abnormal?

Unfortunately, unless you are a trained professional you won’t be able to tell. If there is any doubt in your mind always contact a physiotherapist or doctor. Many clinicians have great respect for a parent’s intuition and acknowledge that parents are usually very good at knowing if something is wrong with their child. 

Even if you’re sure nothing is wrong, there are a few signs and symptoms that you should take particular notice of. pain that is severe, pain that occurs suddenly without an obvious cause, pain that is one sided, pain that affects your child’s activity levels, causes a limp or is associated with signs of general illness/fever. 

Constant, severe and unrelenting pain is a serious sign that should be investigated at any age. If you’re worried, the first step is to consult a physiotherapist or general practitioner. 

None of the information in this article is a replacement for proper medical advice. Always see a medical professional for advice on your injury. 


Physio Tips for Comfortable Travel

CUMBERLAND PHYSIOTHERAPY PARRAMATTA: Travel can be one of the most enjoyable aspects of life, however if a trip away comes with the risk of increased pain and soreness, the excitement can be thoroughly diminished. Many people will even avoid travel altogether if their symptoms are exacerbated too much by long seated periods. If you are unlucky enough to fall into this category, here are a few tips from your physiotherapist that might help make long trips a little more comfortable.

Lower back pain is the chief complaint of most travellers. To avoid low back pain, try the following tips:

1) Adjust the seat angle. 

If you are able, tilt the seat slightly down towards your feet, not towards your hips. Ideally, your knees should be level with your hips, or even slightly lower. A footrest to lift your knees can also help.

2) Lift the height of the whole seat. This will assist with tip #1 by lifting the whole body away from the floor. When your hips are less bent, it is easier for your back to sit comfortably in an upright position.

3) Use a lower back support. 

Many cars nowadays come equipped with in-built lumbar supports. Often this support is a generic design and not fitted for your specific shape or height. A proper lumbar pillow, or even a rolled towel in the small of the back, can be more effective in maintaining the natural arch of your spine. This relieves pressure through your intervertebral discs, spinal ligaments, and spinal muscles.

Neck discomfort is easier to improve when tips for lower back are implemented first. Some very easy tips to reduce neck pain are as follows:

1) Use a travel pillow. 

If travelling on an airplane, try wearing the pillow backwards or sideways. This assists in supporting the head in a slightly better position when you rest or sleep, which helps to reduce the stress placed on the muscles, ligaments and joints within the neck.

2) Every hour, perform 10 chin tucks. 

This is easiest to perform correctly if you sit tall and press your chin straight backwards, lengthening the back of your neck. Do not tuck the chin to the chest. This exercise stretches the small postural muscles at the base of the skull, relaxing them.

The tips above are only suggestions. If you find they are helpful, continue performing them throughout your travels. However, if any of the above tips cause you pain or discomfort, it is advisable to seek your physiotherapist’s opinion.

Olecranon Bursitis



What is it? 

Bursae are small sacs of fluid found throughout the body. These bursae produce synovial fluid and act to reduce friction between muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones as they move over each other. Bursae are located at strategic points, typically where there are higher points of stress. If a bursa is injured or irritated, it can become inflamed, painful, red and swollen and this condition is referred to as bursitis. 

One bursa that is commonly affected is the olecranon bursa, which sits just over the hard bony process at the base of the elbow. Olecranon bursitis refers to inflammation of the bursa at this point and is a common condition, particularly in men between the ages of 30-60.

What causes it?

Olecranon bursitis has a few different causes including trauma, overuse and infection. A sharp blow to the elbow, through a fall or hit, might damage the bursa leading to bursitis. In other cases, the bursa can be infected by bacteria, which enter the body through a small skin tear. Bursitis can also develop slowly through friction of the nearby muscles that cause the bursa to become irritated and inflamed.

What are the symptoms?

The hallmark of this condition is a painful, red, swollen elbow. Typically pain is worst when resting on the tip of the elbow and/or with elbow movements, particularly when bending or straightening the elbow fully. The pain often lasts a few months and may not go away on its own. The pain may build up gradually, or come on suddenly, depending on the cause. Bursitis caused by infection (septic bursitis) may also be associated with general feelings of illness such as fatigue, fever and body aches.

What is the treatment?

As there are many different causes of this condition, accurate diagnosis is essential. Your physiotherapist is able to distinguish between olecranon bursitis and similar conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or fibromyalgia. Septic bursitis will need to be treated by a medical professional who will determine the best course of action. All types of bursitis can be managed initially with a RICE protocol to reduce pain and swelling (Rest, ice, compression and elevation). Mechanical causes of bursitis can require more in-depth identification of the factors that may have led to the development of this condition. 

Your physiotherapist is able to address these factors plus provide taping support to unload the bursa along with manual therapy and an exercise program. If this is unsuccessful, cortisone injections are often used to reduce pain and inflammation. In severe cases where the pain persists despite all other attempts at treatment, the bursa can be surgically removed in a procedure called a bursectomy. Once the pain has subsided your physiotherapist is also able to help prevent any further recurrence. 

None of the information in this article is a replacement for proper medical advice. Always see a medical professional for advice on your individual injury.

Common Myths About Back Pain


CUMBERLAND PHYSIOTHERAPY PARRAMATTA: Low back pain is one of the most common conditions treated by physiotherapists and if you are unlucky enough to have been a sufferer, you know that severe back pain can take over your life. With improved understanding, health professionals have come to identify some common myths about back pain that are inaccurate, misleading or even counterproductive. 

Myth #1 – Discs can ‘slip’ out of place

Sitting between the vertebrae of the spine are soft discs that provide flexibility and shock absorption to the spine. In the past, many health professionals including doctors and physiotherapists told patients that these discs had ‘slipped’ as a way of explaining their pain to them. While this was helpful to some extent, it is not entirely accurate, as these discs are actually very secure and rarely, if ever ‘slip’ out of place. Discs may bulge slightly or in some cases tear, however more often than not these injuries will heal without any permanent damage and exist in many people without causing any pain at all. Thinking that a part of your spine has permanently ‘slipped’ out of place can cause you to move differently, which can create more pain and dysfunction in itself.

Myth #2 – If you have low back pain, you should stay in bed

When back pain strikes, our natural instinct is to rest, avoid movement and wait for the pain to pass. However, studies have shown that being active and performing targeted, gentle exercises can help improve low back pain. In fact, our impulse to stop moving and protect our spines can actually cause abnormal movement patterns and stress, leading to ongoing pain after the original injury has healed. If you are unsure of what kind of exercises you should be doing, your physiotherapist can help guide you with a targeted exercise program.

Myth #3 – Severe pain means severe damage

Pain that is severe, and strikes suddenly, without warning can be a very scary experience. If this happens to you, you could be forgiven for assuming you must have sustained a very serious injury. The fact is, however, that the spine, being surrounded by nerves is a particularly sensitive area of the body and pain in this area can be very strong without significant damage. A small ligament sprain or muscle tear can actually cause a large amount of pain and it is common for severe pain to settle down quickly, even disappearing within a few days. In many cases, symptoms that last for longer than 2-3 weeks are caused by changes to your movement patterns in response to this pain and not the original injury itself. 

If you are suffering from back pain, the best person to see is your physiotherapist. They can help you to recover without any complications or side effects and help you safely return to your usual activities while also ruling out any serious damage that might need further investigation.

None of the information in this article is a replacement for proper medical advice. Always see a medical professional for advice on your individual injury.

What Does a Physiotherapist Do?

CUMBERLAND PHYSIOTHERAPY PARRAMATTA: Many people know the value that physiotherapy brings to their life and some have even been visiting their physiotherapist since childhood. However, for those who have never been to see a physiotherapist before, there can be a question mark over exactly what it is that physiotherapists do. In fact, this is one of the most common questions physiotherapists are asked. 

What is the main job of a physiotherapist?

The answer is tricky, because physiotherapists do so much. Primarily, we might be described as pain management experts, as we work to reduce the pain of our patients, from those who have suffered a new injury, to those who have had pain for several years. We first identify the cause of the pain and then provide manual therapy techniques, education and management strategies to help our patient understand, manage and reduce their pain. 

While pain is usually the first thing that brings patients to see a physiotherapist, this pain has often caused patients to give up activities that they love and can even be getting in the way of everyday tasks. Many of us reduce our activity levels to reduce pain without even realizing it. Physiotherapists are able to identify which areas you are struggling in and why this is occurring.

 By identifying the cause of your symptoms, we can help to get you back to full function. Physiotherapists are able to do this for everyone including elite athletes and those dealing with serious disabilities. In fact, physiotherapists have a role to play at practically every stage of life. 

We can assess infants to monitor their motor skills development and as they grow we help them deal with the pains and vulnerabilities of a growing body. Among other things, we can help improve the function of athletes, assist in preventing injuries, help those with pelvic floor dysfunction and work to prevent falls in the elderly. 

Not just exercises and massage.

Physiotherapists offer a range of treatments, from targeted stretches, manual therapies, dry needling, exercises and massage. Physiotherapists are also committed educators and take our role as such seriously. 

A huge part of recovering from pain and injury comes from understanding what is happening and how to best manage these issues. Rather than create a dependency on their therapist, we aim to empower our patients to improve their health independently as much as possible. 

Physiotherapists aim, to improve your quality of life and remove any barriers to full participation, whether these barriers are due to pain, weakness or stiffness.

None of the information in this article is a replacement for proper medical advice. Always see a medical professional for advice on your individual condition.