News Articles
Three Things Your Physio Wants You To Know
Every profession has a unique perspective of life that can only be achieved from years of experience in that area. Here are three things that experience has taught your physio: Problems that seem to arise for “no reason” are usually a result of disuse or lack of movement. It’s common to want to know why […]
Golfer’s Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis)
Golfer’s elbow is defined as chronic degeneration of the tendon on the inside of the elbow, usually due to overuse. As its name implies, it is a condition common in golfers. However, as with all sporting injuries, this condition can affect anyone. Golfer’s elbow is similar to Tennis elbow, occurring on the inside of the […]
Surprising Skills That Improve With Age
Many of us associate aging with a decline of skills and quality of life. However, the truth is not as black and white as this. While certain skills and functions do tend to suffer as we age, surprisingly there are many abilities that actually improve as we grow older. Recent studies have shown that happiness […]
Ankle Sprains
Ankle sprains are extremely common, however, this doesn’t make them easy to cope with when they happen to you. If you’ve ever spent two weeks hobbling around on crutches after an unfortunate twist, you’ll understand just how painful and difficult they can be. What are they? Ankle sprains refer to a tear to […]
Strains vs. Sprains
Strains and sprains are words that are used almost interchangeably when describing injuries, however they each actually have quite distinct meanings. The most straightforward explanation is that a “strain” refers to a tear in a muscle or tendon, while a “sprain” refers to a tear in ligament fibers. Below we briefly describe what that means […]
What is Metatarsalgia? Metatarsalgia is a medical term used to describe pain that occurs in the ball of the foot. This occurs due to rubbing of the long bones of the foot, called metatarsals, causing inflammation. Build-up of inflammation in the ball of the foot compresses the small nerves that run between the toes […]
Orthopaedic Surgery And Physiotherapy
Orthopaedic surgery is any surgery performed primarily on the musculoskeletal system of the body. Common orthopaedic surgeries you may have heard of are joint replacements and reconstructions. Physiotherapists have a large role to play in the recovery of these kinds of surgeries especially in the more extensive operations, such as a total hip or knee […]
Osteitis Pubis
What is Osteitis Pubis? Osteitis Pubis is a medical term used to describe sports-related groin pain. Osteitis means ‘bone inflammation’, while pubis refers to the specific bone that is affected: the pubic bone. Osteitis pubis is usually an overuse injury that can sometimes be triggered by a specific event. It is characterized by pain deep […]
Recognising and Managing Ankle Fractures
Ankle fractures are surprisingly common injuries, both in athletes and the general population. Being able to quickly identify the signs and symptoms of a fracture is extremely important in ensuring quick and effective medical management. Ankle fractures come in different shapes and forms. For example, a netballer with shin splints may experience a stress […]
5-Minute Workout Challenge
Finding time to hit the gym can be tough, but every little bit of exercise is worth the effort. Can you challenge yourself to perform 5 minutes of exercise per day this month? Try these simple exercises in a circuit three times! 15 squats 12 alternating lunges 8 kneeling pushups 20 second plank on forearms